Countdown 2030 Fellowship Program – Cohort 3

Fellowships @the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in Mother & child health
  • Post Date : February 5, 2025
  • Apply Before : February 28, 2025
  • View(s) 5
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Opportunity Description

Project: Countdown to 2030: Strengthening Evidence and Analytic Capacity to Track Progress in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition


TheĀ African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is accepting research proposals for the Countdown to 2030 Fellowship Program, a multilateral collaboration to strengthen analytical capacities for monitoring and tracking the progress of life-saving interventions for Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and AdolescentHealth and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N).
This call targets scholars and analysts from collaborating countries who wish to contribute to research efforts to strengthen evidence generation on the progress towards improving RMNCAH+N interventions. More information about the fellowship program and the application process is detailed below.


APHRC is an African-led and Africa-based international research institute engaged in multidisciplinary, evidence-informed policy research. Our researchers are contributing to the body of evidence about the critical issues in population health and wellbeing impeding Africaā€™s development in order to provide strong direction and recommendations to policy- and decision-makers at all levels.

TheĀ Countdown 2030 for Womenā€™s, Childrenā€™s, and Adolescentsā€™ HealthĀ (CD2030) is a global collaboration of academic institutions, universities, and UN agencies that aims to improve the measurement and monitoring of womenā€™s, childrenā€™s, and adolescentsā€™ health. The collaboration focuses on intervention coverage trends and inequalities and associated health system drivers, and strengthens regional and national capacities on analysis to generate and use evidence.

As part of the consortium, APHRC is leading the Countdown work in sub-Saharan Africa. Through regional networks, the Center brings together research and public health institutions with ministries of health from countries in the region to strengthen the evidence and advocacy in support of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) and nutrition programs.

Through APHRC, CD2030 will offer a one-year fellowship program to strengthen analytical capacities for monitoring RMNCAH+N. Countdown to 2030 will engage Country Fellows directly or indirectly in collaborations and country progress monitoring. Every year, CD2030 will host a competitive process to select about 10 fellows to take part in a 12-month fellowship to work on a specific project.

Fellowship procedures

Fellows will have the opportunity to develop skills through instruction and engagement with global and regional CD2030 collaborators, by participating in APHRC short courses (e.g. Scientific Writing; Data Analysis Using R/Stata; Research Governance; Policy Analyses, etc.), and in interactions with other fellows.This will include two one-month stays at APHRC over the course of the fellowship and remote support from CD2030 collaborators during the rest of the year. CD2030 will explore the feasibility of a visit to relevant global level partners (WHO, UNICEF, GFF, etc…) as an additional learning and networking opportunity.

The projects that fellows undertake (as proposed by the fellow in their applications) must be relevant to the CD2030 country collaboration and produce scientific outputs such as a technical report, policy-brief and/or scientific paper.

Each fellow will have one or more mentors from the Countdown Data & Analysis Centers (or other CD collaborating institutions, if needed).

Fellows will also present their results during the annual CD2030/GFF analysis meetings for countries. CD2030 will create a committee of CD2030 regional or global partners and subject-experts to select the best candidates to be awarded, while ensuring the most disadvantaged countries and younger applicants are promoted.

The composition of each annual cohort will also be, at a minimum, 50% women. The Fellow will have to commit and sign the CD fellowship agreement.

Key activities & deliverables

Actively contribute to country collaboration activities by leading the drafting of
reports or other technical and communication products
  • Attend two training workshops at APHRC
  • Attend virtual and face-to-face meetings with mentors and technical facilitators
  • Draft and submit at least one article to an international peer-reviewed journal at the
end of the fellowship
  • Submit progress report every three months


The maximum duration of the fellowship is 12 months.


The selection of successful fellows will be based on the following criteria
  • Country: Be a national of a country working with the CD2030 Program in Africa.
  • Qualifications: The CD2030 Fellowship Program targets applicants with a Masterā€™s
Degree in Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health, Demography, Biostatistics, or
any related field with a specialization/focus on Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn,
Child, and Adolescent Health. Applicants with a Bachelorā€™s Degree and extensive
research experience in the areas above may apply.
  • Ā The quality of the research proposal submitted and its relevance to the countryā€™s fellow
  • Ā Fellows should beĀ aged below 45 yearsĀ by the time of application
  • Ā Experience in research

How to apply

Country candidates shouldĀ  apply one using this platform on
or before 12:00pm GMT on theĀ 28 th February 2025. Applications
submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

Additional Information on the opportunity

Application ends in 13d 10h 44min
Apply for the Opportunity