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Organization Description
We are the independent, expert voice of biomedical and health research in the UK.
The Academy’s vision is good health for all supported by the best research and evidence.
Our mission is to help create an open and progressive research sector to improve the health of people everywhere.
- We support researchers with innovative funding and career development opportunities
- We help create a more sustainable environment for delivering outstanding research
- We help researchers to work with academia, the public, policy makers and industry to make the greatest difference to health
Our strategy will deliver the following strategic priorities over the next 10 years
We will influence policy and practice to improve the lives of patients, the public and communities
We will support UK biomedical and health research to strengthen its global competitiveness and reputation
We will support the next generation of researchers to reach their full potential
We will work with our partners to increase the Academy’s impact on global health
We will build our resources to ensure our long-term independence and effectiveness
Our strengths
- A Fellowship of the most influential scientists in the UK and worldwide
- An inspiring community of emerging and established research leaders
- Connections across the science sector including National Academies, charities and industry
- A vibrant and growing network of European and global partnerships and collaborations
- An ability to influence policy by connecting the insights of our Fellowship, researchers, patients and the public
- The meaningful involvement of patients and the public to shape our work
- A talented and committed staff team who embody our values
Our values
We strive for excellence
We act on evidence
We behave with integrity
We collaborate widely
We are inclusive and actively seek diversity in all forms
We are agile, kind and resilient.
Click here to view a directory of staff.
Registered Charity number: 1185329
Incorporated by Royal Charter. Registration number: RC000905